
10 Jun 2010, Posted by Toddy in Band,Featured, 0 Comments

It’s a New Web Site!

We’ve done it. It’s a whole new website with a whole bunch of new content and new features.

Needless to say, having a web site to promote any organization is very important. Keeping it up to date is even more important. Everybody we know uses the Internet to get news, stay informed and to some, it’s their primary source of communication.

The way websites operate has changed over the past few years. No longer do visitors expect static brochure content that is rarely updated. They want fresh content delivered in a no hassle way. People want to be engaged with video, audio, photos, and fresh news items that are relevant to them and the organization. With this in mind, we have built our new site based on content.

Check back as often as you like to stay up to date with everything 78th Frasers. And if there is something you would like to know about, just ask.