10 Apr 2010, Posted by Toddy in Band,Contests,Events,Featured,Members,Performances, 0 Comments
We’re Going to Fair Hill
We have been invited to travel to the Fair Hill Highland Games to participate in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the event on May 15th. The games are put on every year by the The Scottish Games Association of Delaware and held at the Fair Hill Race Track, in Fair Hill, Maryland. The contest itself is a Grade 1 medley and then a Grade 1 MSR.
In addition to playing in the contest, we will be putting on a casual concert at Live at the Singerly Fire Hall in Elkton, MD. We are told its about a 15 minute drive from the games site. The show will be put on in true Fraser’s fashion and will start at 8:00pm. Hope to see you there.
For more information on the Fair Hill Highland games, click here.