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Live in George Square – Piping Live! 2009

Piping Live! 2009 - Make sure you are part of a week long piping event that makes Glasgow the centre of the world stage for piping brilliance. It’s exciting and challenging, traditional and contemporary and very much alive.

You’ll discover the experimental energy of today’s newest talent to the awesome accomplishment of established musicians from across the globe. There is something going on morning, noon and night. The venues are as varied as the performers, from workshops to master classes, ceilidhs to concerts and street performances. Its fast, fun, moving, informative, entertaining, exhilarating - it’s Piping Live!

Our band will be performing in George Square, Glasgow on Tuesday August 11th.

Road to the Worlds

If you’ve been to some of the pipe band competitions in Ontario, you may have spotted a large number of musicians sporting the Fraser kilt and a white t-shirt. No, this is not the band’s summer dress uniform! However, the 78th Fraser Highlanders are taking part in the “Road to the Worlds” promotional tour. RTTW, as it’s abbreviated, follows several pipe bands from around the globe as they prepare for the big day on August 15th. Our band members have been wearing these t-shirts and handing out fliers advertising the World Pipe Band Championships everywhere we go. The next stop for the band is Maxville for the North American Championships and then onto Stornoway, Scotland for Tattoo Hebrides.

Winning Season Debut at Georgetown

The 78th Fraser Highlanders took best bass section in Grade 1 at the Georgetown Highland Games in Ontario, Canada on June 13th, 2009. Georgetown is the season opener for the Pipers & Pipe Band Society of Ontario and saw four Grade 1 bands in attendance — the Frasers, 78th Halifax, Peel Regional Police and Toronto Police. Congratulations to all the bands that competed!!

Are you on Facebook? So are we!!

Facebook is sweeping the world as one of the top social networking web sites. Recognizing the huge number of pipe band musicians and enthusiasts registered with Facebook, the 78th Frasers have decided to leverage the communication opportunities by making use of a Facebook group for our band.

Group members will be able to see recent news, a listing of events, photos and videos uploaded by the band and other group membership.

You can join and browse the group by clicking here.

Cleveland Footage Available on YouTube

If you weren’t able to attend our concert, you missed a great evening! Here are a few video teasers from the show.

2009 Medley Snippet

Drum Salute Snippet

78th at Winter Storm

In January, several members of the band traveled to Kansas City to take part in the Midwest Highland Arts Fund Winter Storm Weekend. Congratulations are in order for Fraser members James MacHattie and Owen Russell for their prizewinning results in Gold Medal Piobaireachd and Gold Medal Tenor Drumming! Also, the band was well represented on the workshop staff — Johnny Rowe, Drew Duthart and Kevin MacHeffner were there to teach in their respective disciplines. These three also put on a terrific performance at the concert on Saturday night!

Gone Away to Stornoway

This summer’s trip to Scotland will be truly memorable! In addition to the World Pipe Band Championships, the band will be taking part in events for “Homecoming Scotland 2009″. This is a year-long initiative to celebrate and promote Scottish culture.

The 78th Frasers have accepted an invitation to play in the Tattoo Hebrides 2009. The band will fly from Glasgow to Stornoway on August 6th to prepare for a two day Hebridean Ceildh. One highlight of this event will be a tattoo performance of seven pipe bands. A colorful carnival in the town leads up to a Grand Concert featuring Dougie MacLean, the 78th and Gaelic Choirs.

You can learn more about the Tattoo Hebrides by phoning + 44 01851 706271 or by visiting the official event web site.

Cleveland Rocks!

On April 18th, the 78th Frasers will hit the stage in Cleveland, Ohio with a full production concert to kick off the 2009 season! A lot of changes are being made within the band for this year including talented new members! Come out, be our guests and preview what the Frasers have going! Tickets are available by calling 800-555-1212 or may be purchased online.