Campus Map
Registration Form
Here are a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't anwered here, please email us.

Q. Can I attend the workshop if I am an outright beginner?
A. Yes. We will be catering to all levels.

Q. What if I don't have a bagpipe or drum. Will I still be able to participate I the classes?
A. Yes. The classes will be structured so that you can participate fully at your level.

Q. What if I need to buy some supplies while I am at Celtfest?
A. Little Scotland will have a retail shop on site for your piping

Q. If I am from out of town. Where will I be able to stay?
A. There are many hotels in the area, but we have secured a special rate of $69.95 per night (CAD) plus tax, right at the school.

Q. Will I get to hear the 78th Frasers play?
A. Yes. The band and a number of individual members will be playing at the Concert on Saturday night.

Q. Can my family or friends come to the Ceilidh?
A. Yes. Tickets will be available in advance for $15 per person, or at the door for $20 per person.