Saturday, September 03, 2005
What a season! The 04 / 05
season comes to an end with
the band achieving all of its
goals for this year. The Canadian
& North American Championships,
3rd at Bridge of Allen Scotland,
6th at the Worlds in Glasgow
and the PPBSO Grade 1 Champion
Supreme title.

Planning is already underway for
05/06 season and practice will
begin in the near future in

A Special Welcome Back to bass
drummer,Big John Rowe who was
recently given a clean bill of health
by the surgeon who conducted his
back surgery. John's recovery has
gone very well and his strength is
continuously improving allowing
his return sooner than expected.

While on the subject of bass drummers,
a special thank you must go out to
Bob Hartleib who stepped up to the
plate on very short notice to fill in for
John while he was away. 3 weeks
practice, then initiation by fire - the
result, a Canadian Championship.
On behalf of the 78th Fraser
Highlanders, thanks Bob,
your contribution kept us in
the game!

Keep an eye open for information on
Celtfest 06! A one day piping and
drumming workshop hosted by the
78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band.

78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band
t-shirts (2005 version) are available
through the web site at $20.00 Cand.
$17.00 U.S.