Tuesday, August 19, 2003
The last 10 days were a great success for the whole band. With the exception of a few lost pieces of luggage, and a broken bass drum, the trip went off like clockwork. The concert on the 15th at the GRCH was a sold out show to a crowd in excess of 1900 people. Read the review.
On the contest side of things, we would like to congratulate all of the winners of the World Pipe Band Championships held this past weekend. We finished 5th place overall, and managed to win the Best Bass Section. For a complete listing of all results, check out Piper and Drummer Online.
Friday, August 08, 2003
After much anticipation, there is a lot of news to be reported regarding our band. Firstly, the obvious; our new web site is launched. It is a work in progress so check back often for all the updates as they become available. Of course, all comments are welcome.
We have a brand new CD, CASCADE that is fresh off the press. This is a studio recording of traditional and contemporary music.
On the 8th of August (today), we will be departing Toronto bound for Glasgow, Scotland to play in the World Championships and perform or new concert, Seanchaidh at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall.
Next on the Agenda is two performances in Charleston, SC, September 18 and 20.